I’m a successful man. I run a company with over 300 employees and I make a very good living doing it. I tell you this because it’s been a very long time since I’ve wanted a teacher. To be honest I’m just too used to being the authority. In case you don’t recognize it, this brand of ego is typical of a strong type A personality. The one person that has always been able to break through my ego is my wife. I’m still crazy about her and that love has driven me to my new teacher Dr. Scrape and his brilliant invention the Porsche Skid Plate. The Beginning Back when my wife and I were first married we...
Now what I’m about to tell you has been secret for quite a while, but I’ve just been given the authorization. The story involves an injured man, a desperate man, a Chevy Corvette z06 and the Sliplo Corvette Skid Plate. What’s amazing is that the experience came at a time in my life when I was feeling empty and without purpose. That all changed the day I rescued Dr. Scrape. Let me explain. Chevy Corvette Skid Plate The Injured Man Let me start by saying I’m an orthopedic doctor. What does that mean? It means I specialize in the diagnosis, correction, prevention, and treatment of patients with skeletal deformities. I help people with disorders of the bones, joints, muscles,...
My earliest recollections of Dr. Scrape were back in 1978. I was just 8 years old. My older cousins would tell me tales of a mystical figure who lived in the hills and worked on the most beautiful cars ever made. Now, I loved cars even at a young age. Many long summer days would be spent reading Hot Rod magazine and playing with Hot Wheels. If you’d said to me back then that one day I would own a Lamborghini and be an apprentice to Dr. Scrape himself, I’d have said you were crazy. Well sit back, relax and let me tell you the story of a dream that came true and an invention called the Lamborghini bumper scrape...
Hey guys, I’ve got something to complain about today and it's not about my new Mercedes skid plate. Now I know what you’re going to say, “there’s enough craziness in the world, I don’t need to listen to you telling me about your problems.” I actually agree with that, but this annoying story has a happy ending and a recommendation along with it. Interested yet? Now, as you know, I’m a fellow car junkie. I love my car and seriously can’t sleep at night if there’s anything wrong with it. It literally calls out to me from under its cover in my garage. Weird right? I’m the guy who takes his car to the body shop the same day he...
Hi, my name’s Jared and I’m guest writing this blog today because I think I have a topic that everyone can relate to and well, I’m pissed off. Why? I’ll tell you in one word, rust. Now, I’m not angry at the rust per say, nor really anyone other than myself. This is a problem of my own making. Let me start from the beginning. A while back I bought an Mclaren 720S for, well let’s just say a lot of money. I’m all about this car it’s amazing! Anyway, the first time I scratched up the bumper I drove straight to the body shop. It cost me a little under $3k. That didn’t make me happy, but I...