About Us


Chief Executive Officer, Inventor & Founding Partner


Chief Marketing Officer & Founding Partner

Andy and Dean Soleimani are more than just the founders of Sliplo. They have partnered up and founded Sticker City, a popular vehicle wrapping and protective film installation company based out of Los Angeles, for the last twenty years. The experience gained by helping to protect some of the most exclusive cars in the world is what laid the groundwork for the idea and proof of concept for Sliplo. After four years of non stop research and development, Sliplo Inc. was officially formed on December of 2017. The company head of operations is based out of Los Angeles, California with warehouses located in Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco Pennsylvania and Dallas Forth Wroth area.

At SLIPLO, we believe there is a better solution to protecting your car’s bumper. A simpler, less invasive way where any car can be protected with one simple solution. We’re obsessively passionate about improving our product’s function while keeping it simple, and our mission is to help people enjoy their car.

Our focus is preventing steep driveway bumper damage. It’s one of the most frustrating problems that all car drivers have faced and we see that as an opportunity. As car enthusiasts ourselves, we are excited to provide a simple solution to this problem for all the car lovers out there.

“Seeing an idea through it’s natural course of failures and success is what gives my life meaning. Failure has been the key to my success” – Andy Soleimani


Make sure to check out the complete story of Andy Soleimani A.K.A.

Dr. Scrape | Sliplo From Concept to Reality

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