Windshield Sun Visor Banner Installation

How to Install the TOProtect TPU Windshield Sun Visor Banner on Your Vehicle

Follow these step-by-step instructions to properly install your TOProtect TPU Windshield sun visor banner and achieve the best results. If you're new to the process, we highly recommend considering professional installation. Please note that incorrect installation or usage will not qualify for refunds or replacements.

Important Tips for Best Results:

  • Do Not expose your newly installed windshield banner to water for at least 48 hours. Allow sufficient time for the adhesive to bond completely with the glass surface.
  • Do Not use your windshield wipers over the banner until it has fully cured (3 days). After proper curing, normal use of wiper blades should not affect the banner, provided it was installed correctly.
  • Conduct the installation indoors in a controlled environment with temperatures between 15°-32°C (60°-90°F) to ensure the film remains flexible and the adhesive retains its strength.
  • Always wash the vehicle before installation to minimize getting dirt and debris underneath the film.


Key Details:

The longevity and appearance of your banner depend on the right application techniques, proper weather conditions, and surface preparation.

  • Prepare the Windshield: Clean the windshield thoroughly to remove all dirt, dust, grease, or residues. Use a microfiber towel and rubbing alcohol for the best results and make sure the windshield is free of all contaminants.
  • Remove Any Coatings: If your windshield has a glass or ceramic coating, it must be removed according to the coating manufacturer's instructions. Otherwise, the banner may not adhere properly.
  • Avoid Certain Cleaners: Do not use glass cleaners that contain ammonia, as they can leave a residue that causes the banner to peel or bubble over time. Instead, use rubbing alcohol and a clean microfiber cloth to remove any waxes or surface protectants. As an alternative, dish soap with hot water may be used, but be sure to rinse thoroughly with clean water afterward.
  • Prepare the Application Solution: Fill up a spray bottle with water, add 3 drops of baby shampoo  and shake to create the soapy application solution. You will also need two step stools to climb on and safely reach the top of the windshield. Avoid leaning or placing excessive weight on the glass.


Installing the TOProtect TPU Windshield Banner:

  1. Get Help: Have a friend assist you in laying down and adjusting the banner onto the windhsield.
  2. Prepare the Car and Windshield: Wash your car thoroughly. Clean the windshield with rubbing alcohol and a microfiber towel. If needed, use a clay bar to remove any tree sap or stubborn debris (optional).
  3. Position the Banner: Lay the banner face down on the lower part of the windshield.
  4. Remove the Backing: Carefully peel off the white backing paper from the adhesive side of the banner.
  5. Spray the Adhesive: Generously spray the exposed adhesive side of the banner with the soapy solution.
  6. Wet the Windshield: Spray the windshield and its surrounding area liberally to prevent the banner from sticking prematurely.
  7. Apply the Banner: Place the banner on the windshield and adjust its position, leaving about 1/8” of space from each edge. You can stretch the film slightly using the palm of your hand to achieve the desired fit.
  8. Remove Air Bubbles: Use a squeegee to push out any trapped water or air bubbles from underneath the banner.
  9. Allow Curing Time: Let the banner dry and cure for at least 48 hours before exposing it to moisture, heat, or using the windshield wipers.

Congratulations! Take a step back and admire your newly installed banner.